Creanza et al. 2015

Creanza, N., M. Ruhlen, T. J. Pemberton, N. A. Rosenberg, M. W. Feldman & S. Ramachandran. 2015. A comparison of worldwide phonemic and genetic variation in human populations. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 112(5). 1265–1272.

  author  = {Creanza, N. and Ruhlen, M. and Pemberton, T. J. and Rosenberg, N. A. and Feldman, M. W. and Ramachandran, S.},
  journal = {Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.},
  month   = {Feb},
  number  = {5},
  pages   = {1265–1272},
  title   = {A comparison of worldwide phonemic and genetic variation in human populations},
  volume  = {112},
  year    = {2015}